Tuesday 20 September 2011

Sea Kayaking at Pembrokeshire

With strong winds, and a prominant swell from the west we headed up to Pembrokeshire for some sea kayaking along the beautiful coastline and playing on the Bitches. 

Thursday 1 September 2011

Sea Kayaking, coaching and playing

Since returning from the French Alps time has flown past and life again has been busy.  Over the past three weeks I have found myself either sea kayaking, coaching or playing.

I have been invloved with some quality assurance for Canoe England on the coach education programmes, delivered a UKCC Level 2 programme with Darren Joy (Fluid Skills) and carried out staff training days for Duchy College Staff ready for their new intake this year.

This week, in between some technical advisors visits, myself and very good friend Nick Arding have been in our sea boats most the time, night paddling around the southcoast, being thrown around like rag dolls at Start Point in springs and coaching along the way.