Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Isle of Wight - Training with Wings
Over the month of October, we have run many different programmes. At the beginning of the month we were able to get away and concentrate on training for our trip next year, working with a combination of the Taran and the new Epic wing blades.

Although it takes some time to get use to blade, especially in rougher conditions, it is clear the advantages of such a economical and efficient blade.

Remote First Aid Course

One of the programme run in October was an outdoor first aid programme for a local canoe club.  Over four evenings we covered all aspects of the first aid programme aimed at paddlesport coaches and paddlers.  The programme ended with a night exercise using all the skills taught.

After this course, a remote first aid, 2 day programme was run for some coaches/instructors that operate in more remote conditions, that is further away from immediate assistance.

FSRT & BCU/UKCC Level 1 Paddlesport Programme

Brixham was the venue for a five day programme, running a Foundation Safety & Rescue course, followed by a coach education, BCU/UKCC Level 1 Coach programme.

A mixed group, from local canoe clubs, freelance instructors and military personal on resettlement.

Canoe Coaching on the River Dart

Canoe coaching has been really popular this month, with many one to one programmes/sessions.  Most want to expand their knowledge and skill as a solo canoeist and coaches moving towards their BCU/UKCC Level 2 Coach assessment wanting to develop their technical understanding. 

Two BCU White Water Safety & Rescue programmes were run on the River Dart & Erme and a BCU 4 Star Inland Training.

Fingers crossed, we get a good winter season on the rivers.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Sea Kayaking Courses - Winter / Spring

After much interest and requests we are putting on the following sea kayak programmes over the Winter and Spring periods. If any of the programme interest you and want to book a place contact me

Email:           Tel: 01364 73411                  Mobile: 07805420840

Course:   BCU 4 Star Sea Leaders Training
Date:       18th & 19th December 2012             FULL
Cost:       £150
Venue:    Islay, West Coast, Scotland

Course:  BCU 4 Star Sea Leaders Assessment
Date:      6th & 7th April 2013
Cost:      £150
Venue:   South West Coast, Devon/Cornwall

Course:  BCU Coastal Navigation & Tidal Planning Course
Date:      8th April 2013
Cost:      £60
Venue:   Plymouth, Devon

Course:  BCU Open Water Navigation &Tidal Planning Course
Date:      9th April 2013
Cost:      £60
Venue:   Plymouth, Devon

Course:  BCU 5 Star Sea Leaders Training
Date:      10th &11th April 2013
Cost:       £160
Venue:    South West Coast, Devon/Cornwall

Course: BCU Moderate Water Endoresment (Sea)
Date:     25th & 26th April 2013
Cost:     £150
Venue:  South West Coast, Devon/Cornwall