Saturday, 19 January 2013

BCU AWE / 5 Star & night time training

BCU 5 Star Training & Advanced Water Endorsement

In between Xmas and New Year we were treated to good water levels and due to demand I was able to run a BCU 5 Star Inland Training, based on the Dart and Erme. 

The following weekend a very strong team of candidates attended a BCU Advanced Water Endorsement training course, including a current Level 5 coach and two aspriant Level 5 coaches, both procedding to their assessment in April this year.  The two day programme was spent examining coaching in advanced conditions, including personal skills and development, specific site coaching choice, tactics, control of arousal levels, building confidence and coaching on the move.

Night time training

After working on coach education programmes throughout the last few weeks, we have been venturing out during night time hours to develop and practice night time navigation on land and sea. 

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

2013 Winter/Spring courses

A full programme of events and courses are set before me and Nick Arding head off on our next adventure, Around Britain paddle in May.

The courses listed below are ones I am independently running and if any of these interest you please do not hesitate in contacting me for further details or a booking form to secure your place.


Course: BCU Advanced Water Endorsement Training
Date:     6th & 7th January 2013                                              FULL
Cost:     £150
Venue: South West Rivers

Course: BCU 4 Star Inland Leaders Assessment
Date:     26th & 27th February 2013
Cost:     £150
Venue:  South West Rivers


Course: BCU 3 Star Canoe
Date:     20th & 21st February 2013
Cost:     £90
Venue:  River Dart, Devon


Course: BCU Moderate Water Endorsement Sea
Date:     25th & 26th February 2013
Cost:     £150
Venue: South West Coast, Devon/Cornwall

Course: BCU 4 Star Sea Leaders Assessment
Date:     6th & 7th April 2013
Cost:     £150
Venue: South West Coast, Devon/Cornwall

Course: BCU Coastal Navigation Tidal Planning Course
Date:     8th April 2013
Cost:     £60
Venue:  Plymouth, Devon

Course: BCU Open Water Navigation & Tidal Planning Course
Date:     9th April 2013
Cost:     £60
Venue: Plymouth, Devon

Course: BCU 5 Star Sea Leaders Training
Date:     10th & 11th April 2013
Cost:     £160
Venue: South West Coast, Devon/Cornwall

Course: BCU 4 Star Sea Leaders Assessment
Date:     24th & 25th April 2013
Cost:     £165
Venue: South West Coast, Devon/Cornwall