Tuesday, 14 May 2013

The build up towards our trip around Britain

April and the days into May have been busy ones, with carrying out technical advisor visits for local companies getting them ready for the season ahead, and working for Canoe England supporting directors through the quality assurance and internal verification process.

I have also been involved in running several coach education programmes, leaders awards and personal coaching on the sea. The weather has been varied and we have seen some really nice conditions but on other occasions some challenging days.

In between the work, the training has continued, out on the bike, regular days in the boat and trying out equipment to see if it is fit for purpose for the 2400 mile trip around our coastline.

Sponsors have been extremely generous by providing food, boats, paddles, clothing and much more. All such items have had to be looked at to see if it will withstand the conditions expected over the three months.

So this will be my last entry for awhile, but please follow us on our trip around Britain on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/#!/AB4Bpages

Join us on a beach clean or donate to our charities the MCS and CLIC